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The Best Thing About Being A Writer

Writer's picture: JM LarsenJM Larsen

Hey everyone! Back again with another stand-alone post and excited to share this one. This post is related to a stand-alone post I did a while ago back in May titled The Hardest Part About Being A Writer found here. So, this week I’m planning to do something similar. And without further ado….

The Best Thing About Being A Writer

I LOVE being a writer. There are definitely things that are hard about being a writer and sometimes it can be a very difficult job or hobby. However, in the end being a writer is one of my favorite parts of myself. I decided that because I have been writing a lot of advice posts recently with the inspiration series and the last stand-alone post about blogging as a fiction writer, I decided to simply write a happy opinion piece where I am excited (and hopefully make you excited) about being a writer.

Let me start by saying being a writer is one of the most creative things I have ever done. When you are a writer, you have to come up with whole worlds, design whole people, build whole life stories and connect all of them into one understandable web. Although this task is often times very difficult it is also one of the most exhilarating things I do as a writer. It’s fun even when its hard and it’s interesting even when it seems dull.

Being a creator of worlds and stories and people gives me a chance to be creative in different realms of creativity. I have had to learn a little bit of cartography to draw my own world maps, I have had to learn fashion and clothing design to design my own characters clothing. I have had to learn how to give a proper speech so my characters can give rousing one’s in my narratives. I have had to learn a lot of different things such as military hierarchy, the basics of space travel and genetics and many other interesting facts and details that make it so I can create interesting things for others to enjoy. And although sometimes the process of researching and finding new and interesting things isn’t always the funnest, using that information in a creative way always is.

I love the ability I have to write in many different ways. Writing through technology such as a computer, phone, or tablet or even writing in many different kinds of notebooks. Also on a more personal note, I love that being a writer gives me the perfect excuse to indulge in my office supplies obsession. I can give the perfectly plausible reason of being a writer and needing it for my writing. 😊

I love that being a writer gives me a unique and interesting way to share my stories with others in a way that they can see, hear, and understand what I see, hear and understand from my characters when they tell me their stories. Being a writer gives me the unique ability like artists to show others what is inside my head in an interesting and creative way.

But the title of this blog post is not the best THINGS about being a writer. It’s the best THING about being a writer. All of the things I enjoy about being a writer come down to one big thing. Writers get to participate in the special ability of giving life and hope. There are a rare few jobs other than a writer that can give life to things that did not exist before. I’m sure there are jobs I cannot think of but the ones that I can think of are artists and mothers. Writers create and give life not only to individual people but to whole worlds, cultures, and societies. They create a web of lives that are intertwined and interlinked with each other in such a way to create a full blanket or tapestry of the lives in the world they give life to.

Writing also gives people hope. I have heard so many stories of authors who receive letters from fans telling them that their book gave them hope to do something hard they’ve been avoiding or gave them hope to continue on with their life or let go of that difficult thing that happened in the past. Writing inspires others to live better lives, try new things, and become their better selves.

In my opinion the best THING about being a writer is giving life and hope through something that you not only can do but also ENJOY doing.

That’s all I have for this week’s post. It is a little shorter than some of my recent posts, but I feel that it is also a pretty simple and straightforward post and there wasn’t really a need for me to write to extensively on this topic. I enjoyed writing on this topic though because it’s something I have wanted to write about for a while and am excited to finally get the chance to do so. I hope that it was helpful. As always, don’t forget to like, subscribe, become a blog page member, share, or follow me on social media at the links below. Feel free to contact me with any questions about writing, this blog, or me. Also feel free to contact me with any ideas you may have for the blog or blog posts I could write in the future. I love those! And remember,

Get Up, Get Writing, and Get Published. See you next week!


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