Hey everyone! Welcome to the second stand-alone post of the series. This post will be more of a casual opinion post that I thought would be fun to write about. So, without further ado…

My Favorite Bookish Gifts
If you are a writer, chances are you are also a reader. Whether you are a binge reader, a serious reader, or a casual reader – most writers tend to also be interested in reading the material that their fellow writers create. I am a super big reader, and all of my friends know that it’s one of my main hobbies. I decided that, for fun, I would write a list of bookish gifts that I’ve either thought are cool or that I received that were great.
Mug Warmer
A mug warmer is a really good gift for a lot of readers. I personally love having something to drink while I’m reading. My go to is usually tea (or a glass of chocolate milk. Depends on my mood). But if you’re like me, one of the hardest things about drinking a warm drink while reading is that sometimes you get so deep into the reading you forget you had a warm drink and by the time you remember to take a sip – it’s cold. A mug warmer would certainly solve that issue. But it would also means I would never leave my reading seat again.
Custom Bookmark
Custom bookmarks are one of those gifts that really just depend on the reader. Some readers just don’t like bookmarks and will use anything else to avoid it. There are those who flip their books on the spines or those who dogear pages. Personally, I am a bookmark person. I love bookmarks and I use them all the time. I have a couple custom bookmarks. One of them was made for me by another book lover and the others were made custom for a specific book or book series that I love. They make me happy not only because I have cool looking bookmarks but also because I have something I see often to remind me of the series that I love.
A Booklight
Booklights are awesome. If you’re like me and you want to stay up late reading but you don’t want to leave on any of the big lights or your lamp, then a booklight is the perfect way to read in bed without having to worry about the lights. They can also be used to read in places where people are working in darkness or dim light. Personally, I used to use them on car trips to read in the dark without shining in the driver’s face.
There are two meanings to this word, and both are equally likely and equally good presents. The first meaning is a bag for books. This present gets bonus points if there is some sort of book joke on the outside. The second meaning could be a bag that is literally shaped like a book. I have one of those and it is honestly one of my favorite bags. It looks like a book of Shakespeare plays and when you open it it’s a really useful bag that stands on its own. Book nerd chic and also very practical.
This is a gift that I don’t have but kind of wish I did. It’s called a bookstand but they come in different styles. Mostly I’ve seen bookstands that are made out of wood but I’ve also seen bookstands that are made out of a variety of metals including aluminum. They usually have at least two of these three features. They usually have a place to set your book while you’re reading to prop it up for better reading. They might come with a spot for you to place your water bottle or mug while you are reading. Some of the ones that I have seen also come with an optional piece of wood/metal that slides up that you can prop your phone/kindle against for ebook readers. This sounds like the perfect reading tool especially for those who might have chronic illnesses who have a difficult time holding books or sitting with books in their laps.
Reading Blanket
Reading blankets are exactly what they sound like – comfy, soft blankets that you can read under. Bonus points again if they have something bookish on them and aren’t just a nice blanket.
A Book Of Course!
Every reader would love a new book. I personally would like almost any kind of book as long as it sounds like something I would read. Fiction, Non-fiction, you name it. I have a few friends who keep their want to read and want to purchase book lists updated so we can really get each other something we’ve really been wanting to read. That’s always a good idea.
That’s all I have for this weeks post. I hope some of these book ideas sounded fun for you or sounded like something you would want to get for yourself or someone you know. Book-related presents are always the best. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, become a blog page member, share, and follow me on social media at the links below. And remember,
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