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My Favorite Places To Write

Writer's picture: JM LarsenJM Larsen

Hey everyone! We’ve finally made it to the second to last stand-alone post to go along with this series. This post is also going to be another opinion piece and so will next weeks. So, without further ado…



My Favorite Places To Write


No matter what you write or how you write, everyone has a favorite place to write. Sometimes it’s because of the mood of the place, the level of noise, or even what kind of people are there. I also have my own favorite places to write and mine might be different or the same as your own. In this post I just want to discuss my own preferred writing places and why they are my favorite.


The Library


My favorite place to write is the library. Most libraries just have a good atmosphere for writing in my opinion. I also have a difficult time wanting to write and having that (imagined) peer pressure of other people watching me and judging me for not writing also encourages me to actually do my writing when I go. Libraries also tend to be rather quiet which is something I usually need to get focused on my writing.


My Room


My second favorite place to do my own writing is my room. This space has more places for me to write comfortably than the library. I have a nice desk and a nice desk chair to sit at for writing. I also have a small foldable lap desk that I can use to put my laptop/notebook on when writing on the floor and I also have a super comfortable beanbag to sit on to write. The only problem that I have with writing in my room is that I tend to get interrupted by others more than at the library.


The Kitchen Table


I know that a lot of my writer friends have advised me to stay away from kitchen tables when writing. I’ve heard a variety of reasons including that writing there would make you associate food with writing, that you will get crumbs and food bits in your notebooks/on your laptop, and even that it will make you less motivated to write.


Personally, I find writing at the kitchen table to be soothing. It’s a place that I normally associate with productivity and getting work done because it’s the place I eat food and also the place I used to do homework as a kid. And also, the kitchen table with a chair tends to be the perfect height for me to write at even in all the weird positions I sit in. However, this has the same problem as my room – getting interrupted by others.




The last place that I like to write, is the bookstore. Some bookstores I’ve been to have had a small, seated area with tables. This doesn’t always mean a bookstore café but sometimes bookstores just have small areas for customers to read and relax. I’ve found that these areas are some of the best places to do writing. Bonus points if this seating area is actually a café because I love the smell of coffee and it makes me feel more productive and motivated.


Those are my four favorite places to write. I’ve always thought it was interesting to hear about which places people enjoyed writing and felt like it could really tell others a lot about what kind of writer they are. I also recently had a conversation with another writer about the places we like to write, and we found out that we like to write in completely different places, which we weren’t expecting.


That’s all for this week. Make sure to check in next week for the last stand-alone post before the hiatus. The announcement will also be in next week’s post, so if for nothing else, check in next week for that. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, become a blog page member, share, and follow me on social media at the links below. And remember,


Get Up, Get Writing, and Get Published. See you next week!



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