Hey everyone! Back again with this week’s post! I can’t wait to get started on this one! This week has been pretty busy, but I had a lot of time to think about things that I wish I knew how to do this week as I discussed with people things they want to do in their future. So, without further ado…

Some Things I Wish To Try
As writers we are very busy. Writing takes a lot of time. Planning your book, creating characters, developing plots, building worlds, actually writing, and doing the editing once the writing is complete. Many writers spend most of their hobby time either resting, reading, or writing their own stories. I will admit that I am one of those writers who has a rare few other hobbies that aren’t writing or reading but even those hobbies don’t get as much attention as I would like.
Recently I have had time to discuss with other people what kind of hobbies they wish they had developed when they were younger or hobbies that they want to develop in the future. While discussing this with them I’ve started thinking about my own hobbies or lack thereof. So, I decided for a fun and lighthearted stand-alone post after last week’s rather heavy one, I would discuss some fun hobbies that I want to try.
The first hobby that I really want to try and do some time in the future is painting. I never really learned to paint. I’ve always thought that I wasn’t a very artistic person. I tried doing a large variety of art over the years such as sculptures, collages, sketching, and coloring. But painting was one hobby that I tried once when I was younger and never did again. During the COVID-19 pandemic I had time to work on painting once and found that I wasn’t as bad at it as I thought I would be. I think I would like to try painting again in the future.
Another hobby or skill that I have always wanted to try was learning to quilt. My mother was a quilter when I was young. I have memories of sitting underneath her huge quilt loom and pretending her quilt was the roof of a large fort until she came and made my sister and I get out from underneath it because it was dangerous for us to be sitting underneath it as she quilted with the large quilting needle. I’ve always wanted to learn how to quilt like my mother but between the normal struggles of daily life and writing there hasn’t been a lot of other free time to learn how to quilt.
I love reading. Anyone who knows me knows that I love reading. But one of the funnest part of reading is reading a book that someone else has read and discussing it. I love talking about book theories, about our likes and dislikes, our favorite characters and our least favorite characters, anything and everything about a book is so much fun to discuss with another person. I have a few friends who read but we don’t usually read together. I’ve always wanted to join a book club but most of the book clubs around me are monthly book clubs and are usually literary fiction and I do not read literary fiction often and would read it faster than a month. So, I’ve always wanted to start my own book club but have never found the people nor the time to do so.
One of the last hobbies that I have never found time to learn is canning and preserving food. This is another hobby that goes back to my childhood. My mother and father used to do large canning weeks in the fall every year in which they canned peaches, pears, pumpkin, chicken, potatoes, jams, applesauce, and a few other things. I used to watch them and so I know part of the processes and what the canning tools look like and a general idea of how to use them. But I never actually learned all the specific steps or how to do them. So, sometime in the future with a little bit of time I would love to learn how to can, preferably from my parents but on my own would be okay as well.
There are many more hobbies and skills that I want to learn someday but writing is a time-consuming hobby and my other main hobby of cross stitch is also time-consuming. I hope that sometime in the next ten years I will be able to learn at least two of these goals. What kind of goals do you have? What kind of skills do you want to learn? Most writers that I’ve talked to have at least one or two that they want to do when their writing is not too busy taking over their life. Let me know below what yours are.
That’s it for this week’s post. I hope this was a fun lighthearted post to follow last weeks post. Next week will be my last stand-alone post before the hiatus. So, stay tuned for that. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, become a blog page member, share, and follow me on social media at the link on the bottom of the page. And remember,
Get Up, Get Writing, and Get Published. See you next week!
I'd love to get into bird watching, but at the same time I don't know if I'd have the patience for it. I have loved learning to quilt and can food! My experience is similar to yours where I got that desire from my mom, and now my mother-in-law as well. I just tried canning salsa recently by myself and it turned out terrible. Then my mother-in-law helped me with the next batch and it worked out, haha.