Hey everyone! I am here with this last stand-alone post before my short hiatus. This week’s post since it hits on the first Saturday of November, I thought I would talk a little bit about a writer world wide event that happens every year for the whole months of November. So, without further ado…

Every year November is set aside as National Novel Writing Month. During this month writers from all over the world attempt to write at least 50,000 words. This adds up to be between 1,667 and 1,666 words a day for the whole 30 days of November.
Nanowrimo.org is the location of the non-profit organization that started and runs Nanowrimo for writers all over the world. On Nanowrimo’s website you can connect with other writers in your area year-round, join regions where you live to meet up for events, discuss your writing, get help, or just make other writer friends. You can also use the site to track your writing during November and join small half Nanowrimo’s twice a year called Camp Nanowrimo that can help you prepare for November or practice for younger writers who might feel too daunted by 50,000 words at once.
I personally have only ‘won’ Nanowrimo (completed the minimum goal of 50,000 words) two or three times since joining in 2013 but I have joined the event almost every year and have enjoyed it every time. Nanowrimo has really helped me find time to write when I was busy in school, remember the joy of writing when I got lost in all the perfectionism of writing a great first draft, and helped me to find the motivation to daydream during the times in the year when I didn’t feel like I needed to write so much.
I personally find that Nanowrimo is a great place to make other writing friends. When I first moved off to my second University, I moved in the midst of COVID, didn’t really know anyone, and felt kind of lonely. I used Nanowrimo to find the region I was living in and found their forum post about a Discord page. After joining the Discord page, I quickly made friends in the area I lived and after restrictions were lifted, I was able to attend in person events and meet all of them in person for the first time.
Sometimes it’s hard to find motivation to write your story, sometimes you’re just too tired, you have writers block, or your just not interested in writing. That’s okay! Doing Nanowrimo once a year and finding writing friends using Nanowrimo really helps me to keep my motivation up for writing by having writing friends to encourage me and keep me accountable to what I say I’m going to do.
All in all, I think that Nanowrimo is a great yearly event and I personally treat it like a little bit of a holiday – planning months in advance for what story I’m going to write, ideas, writing playlists, and a lot more. Personally, I find Nanowrimo to be a great running start to the holiday season before the festive parts of December finally hit.
If you’re interested in Nanowrimo make sure to check out their website and join if you’re so inclined. It’s sure to be a blast.
That’s all for this week’s post. As usual after a set of stand-alone posts I will be going on a short hiatus. For this hiatus I will be taking off the rest of the year partially so I can work on Nanowrimo and also because I want to take some time to enjoy the holidays with my family. I will be writing a year in reflection post like last year and in that post, I will announce the new series that will begin in January. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, become a blog page member, share, and follow me on social media at the link on the bottom of the page. And remember,
Get Up, Get Writing, and Get Published. See you next week!