Hey everyone! Last stand-alone post of the series! Can’t wait to share this post although the content is a little short this post. But at the end is the announcement of what my new series will be and the timeline for it! If you want to read the post then stay tuned, if you are here only for the announcement you can jump down to the header that reads: “NEW SERIES ANNOUNCEMENT.” Anyway, without further ado…

Most writers have the curse (or blessing depends on who and when you ask) of also being intensive readers. Often this is really good for the sake of research in books but it can also be a bit of a struggle for when you have too many books to keep track of or when it feels like you have no good books because you want to read a particular style and can’t find any good ideas.
I am a personal fan of Goodreads. I use it all the time. This is not a sponsored post but I do want to share all of my favorite things about Goodreads because I use it so often, love it, and hope everyone can use it.
There are several features that first drew me to use Goodreads. The first is their use of reading lists. Every account comes with 3 default lists, these being, Read, Currently Reading, and Want To Read. These are the basic and most convenient lists. You can add more tags to create your own unique series of lists. I personally only keep the 3 main lists for tracking things. You can also follow your favorite authors which was another thing that led me to use Goodreads. You follow your favorite authors and then when they publish a new book or make a public post, you can get a notification and know right away.
One of the features that I didn’t know about before I joined but did make me want to stick around after I made an account was that they have giveaways for books often. You can browse the giveaways and enter for free books and you can set it up to get emails when your favorite authors create giveaways for their books. It is super fun and a great app. Goodreads can also give you recommendations for books to read that are similar to a book you’ve read. Some of these lists are made by Goodreads admins or Goodreads editors but some of them are made by fellow readers so there are always good and interesting lists if you are looking for a very specific kind of read.
That’s all I really have to say about Goodreads. I love using it and it’s a useful tool for me in my everyday life and helps me to track what I have read, what I am reading, and what I want to read. Now, onto the next part of this post,
My new series will begin on May 6th (the first Saturday of May) and will continue through June 24th after which there will be 3 stand-alone posts until July 15th. I am planning to then take all of July and August off to hopefully begin a new series starting in September. If that changes there will be an announcement made in a later post. And now for the subject of the series.
The subject will be Prose. There will be several posts centered around Prose. I hope that this series is interesting and not to repetitive compared to some of my other posts. Some might cover similar topics that I have before but I hope that they will be coming from a different angle and still be interesting.
Well, that’s all for this week. I hope that this short but fun post was interesting for everyone. As always, don’t forget to like, subscribe, become a blog page member, share, and follow me on social media at the link on the bottom of the page. And remember,
Get Up, Get Writing, and Get Published. See you next week!