Hey everyone! Back again with this week’s post and on time! I hope that this week’s post is just as helpful for you as last week’s post was. We only have a couple left in this series but remember that they are always available here on my blog if you need to review any advice on self-care. So, without further ado…

Care for Writers: Maintenance Part 2
This week I want to discuss the second part of maintenance. Last week for maintenance we discussed the first part of maintenance which is physical and financial health. The last aspect of maintenance that I want to discuss is emotional health maintenance as a writer.
In previous posts – also another post of self care for health – I discussed how to develop healthy emotional habits. I want to spend some time really discussing how to maintain those healthy emotional habits in your everyday life.
Take Breaks
Writing is exciting. When you’re writing and you’re really locked in and digging deep it’s super hard to remember to take breaks from your writing. Taking breaks from writing is very important. Taking breaks is not only good for your mental health but it’s also really good for your physical health.
Taking breaks can help you to eat properly and remember to hydrate. Often times writers, including myself can get so into writing that they won’t stop until they feel light headed or can’t ignore the need to go to the bathroom anymore.
Taking a break to eat food, drink water, or use the restroom can help your mind to take a moment from the point of the story you are in and let you think from a wider perspective about what’s coming next in your story. This can actually help you to improve your writing.
Set a Schedule
One thing that can actually help you to take breaks more often and maintain your emotional and mental health is to set an average schedule for yourself. This can really help with maintaining your care because it makes sure that you can not accidentally miss something that you need to do.
This will also help you to remember to take breaks because you can actually put them into your schedule. It also gives you the freedom to change your schedule if something changes in your life. If something happens and you can’t write in the morning anymore or you don’t have time at lunch like you planned, it’s easy to change your schedule to make sure you not only have time for yourself but also time for your writing.
That’s all I have for today’s post. I hope this was a little helpful. These really do seem like super easy things to do but just doing these two things can seriously help you to maintain your emotional and mental health better.
I hope this weeks post was helpful. We only really have a couple more posts in this series before we jump into the stands alone posts. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, become a blog page member, share, and follow me on social media at the links below. And remember,
Get Up, Get Writing, and Get Published. See you next week!