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Writer Resources and Tools: Websites Part One

Writer's picture: JM LarsenJM Larsen

Hey everyone! I’m so excited to be here to bring you a whole new series! I can’t wait to share all of the things that I’ve thought of for this series. I think this series is more well thought out than my last one, so I won’t have as hard of a time being stable on updates. I’m hoping to update every Friday like I’ve been doing for the last little bit. I’m also hoping to keep up to date with the social media updates about things. So without further ado I give you the first post in our new series.

Writer Resources and Tools: Websites Part One

Websites. Easily accessible. You can find them on your computer or through your phone. Some of them have android, apple, or computer apps and some of them you can only access through a browser of some sort. But no matter how you access them, websites are some of the best sites for getting together with other writers, accessing some sort of assistance, writing prompts, and builders and sheets. Some of the best websites to get those things are other writers blogs. A lot of time I use other writer blogs to get my own ideas for writing my books or my blog posts. I also use other writer blogs to access building sheets and get advice. I used writer blogs a lot when I first started writing and that’s what inspired me to start my own writing blog because they were great places for me to receive information.

I’ve broken down websites that writers can use into 4 separate groups. A few websites that I really like that I use for lots of things I’m going to leave out from this list because they will go along with more extended posts on other things later on this site. I’m also only going to cover two of these sections in this post and I will cover the other two sections in next week’s post. The four categories are 1. Writing Group Sites, 2. Builder Websites, 3. Generator Websites, and 4. Software websites.

1.Writing Group Sites

Writing Group sites are websites that writers can use to get in contact from other writers and share their writing and join groups of writings writing specific things. Some of these sites are used to join writing contests to get your writing evaluated by other writers as well. They are places that other writers can feel like they are not the only people who sit in their rooms and write about random things for hours. Haha.

For a long time (when I first started writing) I used a writing website called Figment. Figment got bought out by a larger company and they became I’m not a big fan of getunderlined. There are a lot of people who use it everyday and really enjoy the platform. I’m not a big fan of it. For me, the website isn’t designed very well, the ads cover half of my page, and I have a hard time finding other’s writers. Plus I can’t find any forum like settings where you can talk to other people. It’s mostly just read others writing, write your own stories, or buy stuff. The group that bought out Figment and made getunderlined do some fort of thing with publishing companies and books. Half of the helpful articles they recommend direct you to buy such and such book or market for books and things like that. There are a few times when I find this helpful and, like I said before, there are a lot of people who enjoy it. It’s a good website to check out for yourself and decide if you want to use it or not.

Another website that I’ve used in the past was Wattpad. Wattpad is a really great place for writers to publish. One of the things that first attracted me to Wattpad that I liked was that when you publish on their site, they automatically copyright your stories for you. They protect your rights to your stories. And nobody is allowed to publish anything on Wattpad that isn’t their own original idea. Wattpad is also a great way to get noticed by others. If you can manage to get your writing our there and get a large following you can potentially get noticed by publishers or agents and get their assistance in publishing a novel. Wattpad also has many different ways to contact other writers and start interesting conversations and get help or advice from other writers. They also have a large variety of contests that you can access and enter to win money or notoriety. It’s a great combination of all the things that writers need to market themselves, enjoy the company of other writers, and improve themselves. For free!

There are too many to try and list and describe all of the ones that I’ve used in the past or presently so here’s just a list of the websites written comprehensively.

Writerscafe,,, and There are a couple that I used so long ago that I can remember what their websites are anymore, but I can remember what they looked like. Haha.

2.Generator Websites

The second kind of website that I’m going to talk about on this post is 3. Generator websites. There are a lot of generator websites out there. You can find any of them by simply searching for the kind of generator that you want. Generator websites can generate all sorts of things for you such as names for fictional places and characters of specific genres, titles for novels, and just about anything else you can think of. I’ve used a generator once from the UK that would let you either choose something specific or randomize all the items and then it would generate a story for you using the things that you had put into the specific sections. It was kind of funny. Not really helpful but fun to spend some time on.

The best writing website that I use that I think is the best site that I’ve ever used is Despite its website url it had way more than fantasy names on its site. I suggest that all writers check it out. It took me going through a whole bunch of other websites to finally find this one. I use it for all sorts of things, most recently to help a family member generate names for her pieces of art using the art title generator on their website. This website is good for narrowing down what you want to generate by genre, feeling, and other things that you want in a name or title.

So there you have it. Those are two of the 4 websites that I want to list as good resources or tools for writers to use. I think that websites are a great way for writers to find the things that they are looking for. The internet is one of the best resources for a writer because there are so many different websites on their for helping writers. Next week I’ll hopefully be able to cover the other two website sections Software websites and World building websites.

So that sums it all up and I hope you are able to tune in next week. If you aren’t already a member make sure to come back and check it out! I’m hopefully going to be making a post in the middle of this series as an interlude post about how my Wix site works. So excited. And remember,

Get Up, Get Writing, and Get Published. See you next week!


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