Hi everyone! This week’s post is actually on time and hopefully its just as useful as previous posts. It’s also a little bit shorter because of the topic. Let me know if you have any thoughts about things I shared in this post or ideas that I didn’t think of. So, without further ado…

Develop As A Writer: Write Frequently
This week’s post is about writing frequently. This is something that writers hear all the time. Write as often as possible. Write whenever you have time. Write on the bus, the train, on your walk etc. etc. But even though this is one of the most common pieces of writing advice no one ever really explains how to write frequently. However easy the advice may come from others or how easy it sounds, writing frequently is a much more difficult task than anyone would make it out to be. So, in this post I’m going to list a few ways to keep yourself writing frequently.
Surround Yourself With Inspiration
One of the things that could make writing hard is finding the muse to actual write anything. One of the ways to solve this problem is to surround yourself with inspiration. I mentioned in the last post that sometimes you need to decorate your writing space for inspiration and sometimes that means making a wall of quotes, inspiring art, and ideas. This is the physical manifestation of surrounding yourself with inspiration. But surrounding yourself with inspiration can also be reading new and interesting things every day. This could be trying to learn one new thing. This could be going to a place you’ve never been. Whatever way you find yourself inspired – surround yourself with it. When you have inspiration to write around you it will become easier and easier to write frequently, if not every day.
Make Time and Space
As mentioned in the last post, its much easier to find the motivation to write frequently if you know you have a time and space to write. If you want more information on how this could help you improve your writing, see the previous post.
Always Be Prepared For Writing
Always being prepared for writing comes in different forms for every person. For some this means being mentally prepared to write down new ideas when they come to you and leaving your mind open to those ideas all the time. For others this means having a notebook always with you to write whenever you have a small pause in any activity that you are doing. Sometimes this is simply looking for inspiration wherever you are to help you to write. For some this is reading books on writing to learn how they could improve. Whatever way that you find to better prepare yourself for writing will make it easier to write more often.
Look For Inspiration Everywhere Else
In relation to the last section, learning to find inspiration everywhere can help you to write more frequently. You can always surround yourself with inspiration but if your inspiration grows stale than writing will once again be difficult. So, learning to see inspiration everywhere is helpful. For example, noticing things that are always normal or accepted and asking interesting questions about it can help. For example, I always ask myself the question why about things. I ask myself things like, “Which human decided and why that baring our teeth like animals do to intimidate each other was a sign of friendliness?” These types of questions can always bring about new inspiration for writing. And with new inspiration comes new motivation which can lead to more frequent writing.
Make It Fun
One of the last pieces of advice I have for writing more frequently is make writing fun. Many people when they write will make the mistake of not making their writing fun. If writing becomes a chore, it becomes harder and harder to write consistently. One of the ways to avoid this is by making writing fun. There are all sorts of different things you can do to make writing fun. Set rewarded goals for you writing. Make it a game with yourself. Set timers. There’s even a website called 4theword which helps you turn your writing into a fantasy adventure quest if that’s what you’re into. Whatever way you find to make it more fun – it will become easier to write frequently if the writing is fun.
That’s all I have for you this week on writing more frequently. These pieces of advice aren’t very difficult to follow, and you really only need to follow a minimum of one to make writing more fun. Figure out what works for you and go for it. Don’t forget to like, comment, become a blog page member, share, and follow me on social media. Next week’s post will be on practicing skills. And remember,
Get Up, Get Writing, and Get Published. See you next week!