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Secrets of Plot: Resolution: The Solution (The Conclusion)

Writer's picture: JM LarsenJM Larsen

Yay! It’s finally here! The final post of the Secrets of Plot series! And it’s one time! We are almost done. At the end of this post I’m going to introduce the next series so stick around and wait for the information.

Secrets of Plot: Resolution: The Solution

The Conclusion

Okay. So here we are at the conclusion of the story. You introduced your characters, the setting, your writing style, and the story. You introduced a problem and kept the ups and downs of smaller problems going. You’ve kept your character from the ultimate goal until the final climax of the story. You have started to tie together all the loose ends in your falling action. And now it’s here! It’s the conclusion. Your story is almost done! You can make it! The end is in sight!! But…………………..

How do you write a conclusion?

I know that this is a question that has plagued many a writer. I don’t have a specific answer that’s going to work in every situation. It that’s what you are looking for then you have come to the wrong writing blog. I am by no means a published author who has written something successful. I simply aspire to be a writer, have been writing for a long time, and would like to share some advice. But I have learned a few tricks that have helped me write my conclusions. They don’t work for everyone or for every story, but they’ve worked for me. So here we go.

The first things that I’ve found to do to help me write a stories conclusion is to read conclusions. Now I know that literary analysis is not everyone’s favorite things, but I don’t really mind it. So, the best way for me to get better is to read someone else’s writing and ask myself, “Why does their conclusion work? Why does their conclusion not work?”, and then I take the answers and try to apply them to my writing. Plus, then I can tell my friends and family that my reading fiction novels is work. 😉

Another thing that I’ve done is to write multiple endings to a book and then have someone read my rough draft, read the multiple endings, and tell me which one sounds better. In my experience the person who knows what’s best for the story is you and then your reader. A reader is the number one betta tester of anything you have written. Don’t you even think of sending anything into a publisher if you haven’t had a reader read it over first. That would be a mistake.

The final thing that I do to help me write a conclusion is to let it come to me. Often times when I am writing I spend most of my time during the Falling Action. For me, if I have written the falling action write, and wrapped up all the problems correctly then the conclusion will just come naturally to me. Some of my best conclusions have been written this way.

But hey, like I said earlier, if my way of doing things doesn’t work for you, find your own way of writing things. Then write your own writing blog so that people who write more like you and less like me can read your blog. Every person writes differently, and most people are a hodge podge of things that other people do. Writers learn from reading the writing of other writers so it’s only natural that we would sound a little like each other and yet completely different.

But that’s all I’ve got for this week’s post. And this is also the last post in the series titled Secrets of Plot! Which means we are getting a new series. I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I think that the next series will be called (drum roll please) *drum roll sound*

How to Build a Good Character.

And no, I won’t just be talking about character sheets although I am probably going to mention it because, hey, they are good for character building. I’m going to talk about the important traits of a character, how I build characters and I’m going to let you get a glimpse into my brain when I write about how I control my characters and where my characters come from. I really hope that you continue to stick with me as we start this journey that will be the next series. And on that note, I have some bad and some good news.

The good news is that I’m going to travel to Europe for a year and a half!

The bad news is that because I’m going for my religion I won’t be able to post on here anymore while I’m gone.

So, when the character series is done I won’t be posting on here for another year and a half. When I come back I plan to begin posting again. Hopefully that year and a half will give me the time to come up with more writing blog ideas because you all know as writers that no matter what I’m doing, studying in college or out for my religion, I will always be thinking about writing. I hope that at the end of this series you guys will stick around and wait for another year and a half to hear from me again. But we still have a little bit before then so,

Get Up, Get Writing, and Get Published. See you next week!

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