Hey guys! So this week’s post is on the ultimate dream reading place. I decided to compile a list of all the places that I would love to read but may never actually get to read. Or that I have read in but it didn’t match my dream specifics. So here it goes.
1. That small little alcove in a giant library.
So, you know how in movies when the main character goes into a giant library there is always a convenient little reading alcove for them to tuck themselves into and its in this alcove that some great moment of realization happens to aforementioned character? This is one of those places that I have always wanted to read. Problem number one being that there aren’t many personal libraries left that look like that and, two, even if there was I most likely wouldn’t be allowed into such a library. I tried to find pictures of something similar to what I imagine but, again, not a lot of libraries like that. SoI found the closest things.

The differences being that the bookcases would be fuller, so full that stuff would be stacked horizontally on the vertical stacks and the reading window would be bigger. More like this one.

2. A perfect little café
I guess this is anotherone that was conjured into my imagination by movies that I have watched or books that I have read where the characters read or spend time on their laptop in this perfect little café, with the write lighting, the perfect coffee smell, and the dainty little café table and chairs. I have yet to see an actual café like the one I imagine but then I again I live in a relatively small town. I probably just need to get out more. (But I won’t. I mean come one. Introvert writer.) In any case the perfect little café is pretty far up there on my list of places that I would love to read or write.

3. A beautiful park
A beautiful park is also up there on my list of places that I dream to read. However, this is one that I have expected is different than my imagination. I fear everything. Bugs being one of the biggest. There goes dream reading in a park. In case you where wondering nature is filled with bugs. And itchy grass. And sudden loud noises. And annoying dogs. And crying children. My dream reading place is still the perfect park but I have yet to ever discover such a place. And as long as there are bugs I doubt that I will. Regardless dreams are not subject to the thoughts of reality and so it remains on the list.

4. My own secret reading room
This one’s only not likely to happen because I think I would have to be a millionaire to have a house big enough to hide the secret room that I imagine. But its still my dream. It would have really long bookcases. Really tall bookcases. It would have those cool sliding bookcase ladders. It would have the reading alcove from number one fulfilling two reading place dreams at once. This is the lastof my dream reading places and I have all sorts of strange fantasies about what it would look like but here are just a few.

This is kind of what I would hope it would look like from the inside. There’s the door that leads to the normal room while you’re in the secret reading room. Goals!

It should look like trinity college’s library! Yes, this is trinity college. Yes, it is awesome. Yes, I have been there. We will get to this next week when we talk about libraries.
So that’s it! That my list of dream reading places. Its not long but I have yet to accomplish it and some of them (the last one especially) are probably never going to get accomplished but I will continue to keep dreaming because that’s what makes it fun right?
Next week I’m going to write about libraries around the world. We’ll break them down into criteria such as the largest, the most books, the most used and the prettiest. I might change the criteria as it gets closer but at the moment, that’s how it will work. I hope that we can all enjoy it! Keep writing and keep observing the world around you. See you next week!