I'm sorry that this post is a little late. I guess you'll just be getting two posts in one week. *teehee*
So today I wish to talk about writing fashion. Now as you have already guessed from my previous posts most of this is just opinion, as it usually is when anyone writes a blog or makes some sort of video. So if there are any other writers out there who read this, feel free to disagree with me. I won't argue with you because it is still opinion.
So I will go by season and list some of my favorite clothes for each season. (With pictures of course!)
So in the summer I am a fan of light and breezy. I tend to wear a lot of stock t-shirts with random phrases on them and (if given the option) would always wear fandom merch. I also tend to wear comfy boot cut Arizona jeans and whatever funky socks I can find. My shoes are generally some kind of sneaker. My hair is actually quite long (as you can't tell from any of my website pictures) and so I tend to wear it up in a lot of up-dos. Time For Pictures!!

Yes. I do have a shield maiden shirt. But it doesn't look like this one.

My socks also tend to actually be a little more weird than these.

I'm a fan of converse.

This is an apt picture except that my hair doesn't look that good when up in a bun.
So in the fall its getting colder but its not actually winter yet. So cute shirts and jacket season! I tend to wear the same type of pants as in the summer (and the winter and the spring. Needless to say only one more pants picture) but I sometimes do where my black and grey skinny jeans. I wear short sleeve shirts that are a bit more thick than stock shirts and cute little jackets depending on my mood. I tend to wear my boots and my hair is usually down, just straight down. I'll try to find a picture that captures my hair's look the best.

I don't know why she's wearing high heels in that picture. I DO NOT wear high heels while wearing skinny jeans.

My cardigans are usually what I wear all the time but I do wear my leather jacket when I am feeling particularly pissed off at someone or something.

It doesn't really look like my hair but it was the best I could find. Imagine thicker, golder, and three times as frizzy and not as pretty in the wavyness.
I know, I know. I skipped Winter. But winter is my favorite types of clothes so I'm saving it for last. Spring clothes are a mix to fall and summer so there are no new pictures needed. Onto winter!
In the Winter I tend to wear my favorite types of clothes. I wear long sleeve sweaters of all kinds, my favorite coat, my hat, my touch screen gloves (when it gets really cold) all the same pants at the normal time of the year and I also enjoy by knee high boots that keep a lot of my legs warm and I love love love love love my hair! I experiment with hairstyles in the winter. I thrive in the cold! It's a good excuse to stay at home and write a novel! Perfect weather for a writer!

Doesn't look exactly like my coat but same style. Wrong color and fabric.

My hat is darker colored.

Gloves also look nicer and more fancy.

Sorry if a whole post about fashion bored you. I decided that with the change in weather it was a good time to talk about it. I hope that I didn't bore you so much that you won't read Friday's post.
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