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Planning Properly

Writer's picture: JM LarsenJM Larsen

Sorry that its been such a long time since I last posted. Recently I finally got to have a break from socializing and so my brain decided that if my body was having a break then it was having a break too. Because my brain had been having a blank I wasn't able to come up with any new scene ideas for my novel that actually worked successfully and I had exhausted the ideas I had already written down. So I decided that I would take a break form anything related to writing and go on a reading spree. So that's exactly what I did. I bought 3 books and received 1 free book in recent days. I also reorganized my bookshelf and my writing shelves several times and deep cleaned my room a few times, checking drawers I don't usually look in and on top of my closet. This lead to the thought about how I seem to love to be neatly organized most likely because my brain is so disorganized that I need something not chaotic in my life.

So thoughts about organization brought about thoughts of my favorite way to plan my day, week, month, and year. I use something called the bullet journal. A fancy and personalized form of a planner. The bullet journal was created to help those busy people organize their life even better than they could with a store bought planner with a limited amount of space for every day, week, month, and year. Here's the bullet journal site.

I've found that using a bullet journal can be very helpful. Of course on the bullet journal website they give you the simplest possible bullet journal format but I know several people who use the bullet journal differently and the more you use the bullet journal the more it evolves on its own. I personally have a calendar for events, a tasks of the month page, a goals page, a reading chart, a gratitude page, and a daily tasks page. I use all of these to help me keep organized. Of course your bullet journal may be entirely different from mine. My friend has a bullet journal page or two just to write down her work shifts so that she never forgets. Another person that I know has a whole notebook called morning pages and she slips in between the pages of her bullet journal so that she constantly carries around both of her notebooks.

Bullet journals can be as fancy or as sloppy as you would like. I love my bullet journal and constantly use it to keep track of all of daily habits and events and tasks and goals. I never missed a school deadline after using the bullet journal. Maybe you should try it. I'll post a few pictures of some of my favorite bullet journal ideas down below. Thanks for reading.

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