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Epiphany of the Day

Writer's picture: JM LarsenJM Larsen

So I've come to the realization through intense boredom, wherein I was coming back from a vacation, that I really dislike silence. Silence just has this way of making you think of not only happy things but lots of sad things. There's got to be sound to instigate thought. Even if it's just the sound of the air rushing past the outside of the car or the sound of flipping papers or quiet sniffs when you have a cold. But there has to be some sort of noise. And there are levels of noise and these levels of noise are okay or not okay depending on the time they happen.

For example, when I'm writing and intense scene there is either loud blaring rock music or utter silence except the scratching of my pencil. When I'm sleeping there can't be any noise what-so-ever or my brain won't shut down. When sitting at a park there has to be either birds chirping or children laughing but it has to be a soft quiet sound not a loud annoying one. But utter silence is just to frightening to be handled. Sometimes when I'm home alone the house seems to quiet and there has to be sound somewhere. That's usually when I end up talking to myself, and despite what lots of other people say, talking to yourself is not creepy..... it simply organizes your thoughts.

Which leads me to my second epiphany of the day: Simple Brain Functions. How is it that I can write, (sometimes), elegant sentences that create vibrant worlds, three dimensional characters, and fantastic dialects but I can't say a simple sentence like 'I'm going to go over there'. Yes. I can't say 'I'm going to go over there'. I said, 'I over there', 'Going me over', and 'Over there is me' but not once was I able to say, 'I'm going over there'. Why is life so unfair?

So while writing elegant sentences seems to come easily, speaking does not. Does anyone else have this problem or am I totally crazy by myself. The only crazy one who talks to herself and yet can't create coherent sentences.......

Don't ask me how that one works.

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